Monday 19 March 2012

Ready, Study, Go.

Hey! What’s up? Getting ready for your year abroad? No? Really? You have a problem.LOL.  Joking.
You are supposed to be preparing your year abroad. The student meeting for such an event in your life takes place in March. In fact there are a couple of meeting you cannot miss. But before these meeting you must your destination. Let’s move backwards in time and explain what future year-abroad students have to do in order to spend one year in one of the most exciting experience in your whole life.
Firstly, appliers for the year abroad have to choose between three destinations. Then a meeting about October or November will take place in order. By January, with your mind made up, you’ll have to submit your preference form with the three chosen cities. And that’s all for the moment until you know where are you going. But, where are you going? Are you going to the place you like? Why aren’t you going to your first preference?
It is possible that these questions can come to your mind. Maybe you are disappointed, but don’t worry! Your other options are as good as the first one! Believe me. I had a similar experience and many people in Alicante are disappointed...but, in the end, they don’t regret at all! Actually they have had a better time that the one they would have in their first option!
You must know that there are some criteria required so that you can obtain your right choice.
First of all, you must choose a place with a philology-related programme or with a syllabus with modules of translation or interpreting (as Alicante does).
Then, if you are a LCS student, your year abroad must take place in your third year. Also marks are taken into account, so the most you study, the more possibilities you have to go where you want!
When you know where are you going to spend your year abroad there are some forms you have to submit yes, you’ll spend your time among paper mountains in the HUB and spend nights by candlelight filling forms. These forms are the same as Spanish students have to submit:
·         Learning agreement: this document compares the modules of both countries in order that you know what are you studying and if it is related to what you must have studied according to your syllabus or your work field.
·         Contract: the money you receive comes from the Central Student Finance.
·         Arrival/Departure form
·         Questionnaire about your experience: you will be received two questionnaires along your year abroad o let know your home university how you are improving your skills in the language of the country you are living for a year.
And that’s all. If you have any doubts you can address to the Year Abroad Office.

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